Letter L

lvm2-libs - Shared libraries for lvm2

Website: http://sources.redhat.com/lvm2
License: LGPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
This package contains shared lvm2 libraries for applications.


lvm2-libs-2.02.130-1.fc23.aarch64 [860 KiB] Changelog by Peter Rajnoha (2015-09-09):
- Fix use of uninitialized device status if reading outdated .cache record.
- Restore support for --monitor option in lvcreate (2.02.112).
- Read thin-pool data and metadata percent without flush.
- Detect blocked thin-pool and avoid scanning their thin volumes.
- Check if dm device is usable before checking its size (2.02.116).
- Extend parsing of cache_check version in configure.
- Make lvpoll error messages visible in lvmpolld's stderr and in syslog.
- Add 'make install_full_man' to install all man pages regardless of config.
- Parse thin-pool status with one single routine internally.
- Add --histogram to select default histogram fields for list and report.
- Add report fields for displaying latency histogram configuration and data.
- Add dmstats --bounds to specify histogram boundaries for a new region.
- Add dm_histogram_to_string() to format histogram data in string form.
- Add public methods to libdm to access numerical histogram config and data.
- Parse and store histogram data in dm_stats_list() and dm_stats_populate().
- Add an argument to specify histogram bounds to dm_stats_create_region().
- Add dm_histogram_bounds_from_{string,uint64_t}() to parse histogram bounds.
- Add dm_histogram handle type to represent a latency histogram and its bounds.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-7.fc23