Sound and Video
From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package group allows you to work with sound and video on the system.
- alsa-plugins-pulseaudio - Alsa to PulseAudio backend
- alsa-utils - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
- amarok - Media player
- bluez-utils-alsa - ALSA support for Bluetooth audio devices
- cdparanoia - A Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) extraction tool (or ripper).
- codeina - GStreamer Codec Installation Application
- festvox-bdl-arctic-hts - US English male speaker "BDL" for Festival
- festvox-clb-arctic-hts - US English female speaker "CLB" for Festival
- festvox-rms-arctic-hts - US English male speaker "RMS" for Festival
- genisoimage - Creates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem
- gstreamer-plugins-good - GStreamer plug-ins with good code and licensing
- gstreamer-plugins-pulse - GStreamer 0.10 plugin for the PulseAudio sound server
- icedax - A utility for sampling/copying .wav files from digital audio CDs
- jack-audio-connection-kit - The Jack Audio Connection Kit
- k3b - CD/DVD burning application for KDE
- kaffeine - Xine-based media player
- kdemultimedia - K Desktop Environment - Multimedia applications
- pavucontrol - Volume control for PulseAudio
- pulseaudio - Improved Linux sound server
- pulseaudio-utils - PulseAudio sound server utilities
- rhythmbox - Music Management Application
- sound-juicer - Clean and lean CD ripper
- sox - A general purpose sound file conversion tool
- totem - Movie player for GNOME
- totem-mozplugin - Mozilla plugin for Totem
- totem-nautilus - Video and Audio Properties tab for Nautilus
- vdr - Video Disk Recorder
- vdr-wapd - WAP remote control interface for VDR
- vdradmin-am - Web interface for VDR
- vorbis-tools - The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec tools
- wodim - A command line CD/DVD recording program